Wednesday, January 15, 2025

I present a journal that I created from over painted water color paintings, 

with painted paper recycled packing papers, recycled art 

and empty junk mail envelopes


The cover has a pocket with affirmation cards 

and a sheer organdy ribbon tie closure.


Journal pages with pockets stuffed with affirmation cards, 
and cards you can label with your own words. 
The pockets and backs of pictures are hand doodled 
with simple symbols.


The pages are copies of my paintings, cloud designs. 

Each page has a pocket. There are 5 signatures one page with 

a tiny insert. The signatures are attached to the single 

thickness spine hand sewn with black and white backer's twine.

The finished journal is embellished with charms, painted pages, 
and paper-doll angels.
There are tucks, papers for journaling.
This journal was such a joy to make, challenging me with
new ways my artwork is changing, and the surprising (to me)
forms that it could take.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Pink Junk Journal


 Most of this journal comes from junk envelopes,
 the kind that you rip open or they have safety liners, 
odd unmatching sizes, or there are just too many of them.

In order to use the envelopes in a meaningful way, 
I painted them black and hand drew simple doodles on them, 
turning the trash into signatures.

The pockets are from painted brown paper, 
that lines the shipping boxes.

I made tags printed on tea dyed paper, tea dyed cardstock.

The cover is made from acrylic painted 140 lb watercolor paper.

The signatures are sewn with bakers twine. 
Foliage is cut from texture card stock, and jewels 
and charms are clipped to the pages.

The inspiration for this book and the rest in the series 
 am making are the medieval manuscripts from the  century.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Journal Elements

I like to have a supply of flaps, pockets or tags ready ahead,
to add to my journal.

It’s also fun to have some bases ready when I want to improvise
and play.

When time is short, I make these in advance. I cut out random rectangles smaller than the journal page or tag pocket.

I use manila tag paper like this, because I use a lot but file folders are the same paper.

I also use heavy kraft mailing paper, or scrap brown packing paper.

These are painted with matte black acrylic paint leaving a tiny border.
The corners are rounded and inked

When they dry they will curl and if the paint is thick enough, they will dry flat.
Painting them on the back helps them to lie flat when they dry.

  I take a colored pencil and doodle lines across the tags. The tags look better if the lines are night ruler straight. In your natural writing. As you practice they will get to be more even.


Here are some journal page sames of some tags in use. The one below has scrap papers and a colored pencil drawing on a kraft paper scrap.

From the same journal,flips on top of flips.

Drawn on like a chalk board with colored pencil

A tag inserted into a book pocket.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

junk journals

Paper bag junk journal 
this journal is made from brown paper that stuffs
and pads boxes for mailing. It s my favorite junk journal making material.
 This journal is my composition junk journal. The embellishments
in this journal are leftovers and elements from abandoned projects.
I'll post more pages, and eventually a video.

These are shapes I explored in a class by Julie Hamilton.
I used a thick sharpie marker, and colored them digitally in Inkscape.
I printed them on tea dyed paper. I cut them on a scan n cut. 
In another post i'll show you my cutting challenged method.


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

no ordinary hands

Of all the things I love and appreciate, it is my hands.

I care for my hands by:
keeping them warm
improve circulation by:
warm-up and range-of-motion exercises
rest days from the computer
hanging my arm off the side of the bed for pain and circulation
 ergonomic brushes or thick brushes

My range of motion exercises is gentile. I find it more fun and helpful if I have a few go-to exercises. What works the best for me finger touches with my thumb.

I have been doing this for years and have found flexibility and less pain and swelling in my weaker hand and lots of improvement in my most distorted hand.

Hanging my hand over the side of the bed increases blood flow and lowers pain before I go to sleep.

carrying weights when I walk, much like the farmers walks only not exactly, but using the same principle with weights that I can carry while walking. This has improved my hand strength amazingly, much better than hand grips or fist exercises which I can't do because the repetition causes strain.

heating pad

hard tipped pens
Using these types of pens and finding the best hardness pen type and paper helps my drawing. I practice faux calligraphy for range of motion.

Monday, March 9, 2020

working on computer skills with gimp

Future collage and sticker elements.

The graphic of polaroids taped to a wall is from Creative Market.

Once I found my way around the PSD smart layer files, I was able to add my own artwork and embellish this graphic.

So what this means is, I downloaded the zip file. I extracted the PSD files.
I chose the graphic I wanted to work with

I have merged most of the layers as I was working, but as you can see the PSD file opens easily and your own graphics can be inserted.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

working with colors

Working with least favorite colors.
TBH I love colors. ALL colors. 

My color resistance stems from not wanting to take the time to mix colors.

Taking a free class: Infinite pool

I am going to continue with the Art Mythos that follows it.

Yes, I'm going to do it again. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019

healing hands

 With love and appreciation for my hands.

This year my hands have had many challenges. Swelling, arthritic
changes, and pain to name a few.

They have served every  request and I am so grateful.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Things I have been learning

I am learning Inkscape and Gimp, and hope to be
more proficient in both next year. 

The banner classes are fun. I really like applying 
what I have learned from other classes.

Sticker class

Inkscape fabric repeat class 1st lesson

Sketch notes / journal