Wednesday, January 15, 2025

I present a journal created from over painted water color paintings, 

with painted paper recycled packing papers, recycled art 

and empty junk mail envelopes


The cover has a pocket with affirmation cards 

and a sheer organdy ribbon tie closure.


Journal pages with pockets stuffed with affirmation cards, 
and cards you can label with your own words. 
The pockets and backs of pictures are hand doodled 
with simple symbols.


The pages are copies of my paintings, cloud designs. 

Each page has a pocket. There are 5 signatures one page with 

a tiny insert. The signatures are attached to the single 

thickness spine hand sewn with black and white backer's twine.

The finished journal is embellished with charms, painted pages, 
and paper-doll angels.
There are tucks, papers for journaling.
This journal was such a joy to make, challenging me with
new ways my artwork is changing, and the surprising (to me)
forms that it could take.

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